After Posting a simple status message on Facebook I received un precedented amounts of replies. The message was simple, honest, and apparently quite commonly agreed upon by most members of the voyeristic, social networking phenomenon.
"they should add a sub category on Facebook entitled Aquaintance Request, or People I barely know that I plan on never talking to..."
I had only a small amount of space to vocalize my true opinion, so I thought I would take the time to explain myself further and potentially get someone to throw a beer at me, take away a hug, or just flat out refuse to be my friend cyber style. Let there be no mistake, I am not bitter, abrasively cynical and only moderately arrogant. To be honest with you quite i'm flattered that people even take the two seconds to click on a button and tune into my correspondence with the people I have met in life , however, I am slightly confused and my life is not at peoples disposal.
Are there secret levels to be obtained on facebook based off some sort of point system or how many friends you have.
Do you receive special inviations to facebook elite parties, or get special services when you trigger these levels.
This would make sense as most people have believed their entire lives that accumulation of admiration is what creates acceptance, why would cyberspace be any different. In my fruitful opinion, I don't understand why you would ever want 1,672 friends spanning 4 continents.
If your less than thirty years of age that means you have added and average of 55 friends per year since you were a sperm and egg reunited. Props to you, and your plentiful friendships...but highly consider setting up a fan page and capitalizing on what makes you so damn special. If i were your friend I would probably be feeling a bit undervalued.
If your over thirty then your missing out on something partner, consider getting out a bit more and finding a little substance in reality. I assure you there is more to be gained by one hug after a cold beer with a brazilian in the flesh then there is by sending one through computer code to 65 aquaintances on TGIF's.
To add a friend signifies value being created. Value is not having a list of people available to chat with, seeing the list and clicking on the big red x postioned in the top right try again another day. Value is not seeing being looped into someone elses photo albums out of boredom, and realizing you don't even know who the person is married too or what there childs name iso r where they curently live. IF you were a friend, I would know this already. Value is not in numbers but in scarcity. Thats the point you find lost friends...Ask yourself this before you get your hopes up an add a lost mate....why the hell were they lost in the first place...Probably because you didn't have enough time for there sorry you now.
But what really chaps my ass is the guilt factor associated with receving a friend request from a person, and then having to decide within fifteen seconds if I should add them as a friend and know what their daily state of emotion is, or clicking no and then being self chastized for it because I wouldn't dare want to be labled egotistical or to cool for school again by people that never took the time to get to know me when we actually had the opportunity. And you know what screw you for making that a decision I have to face on a tri-weekly basis. My simple response, is I appease no more. I apologize stranger posed as false curiosity friend, you don't get an add inless you pass the test. What s the test....Allow me to expand. It is the RED ROPE CLUB from here on out, and you don't get in inless you pay off the bouncer, or bring something special to the ambiance of my life...And screw you for doing this to me...I hate being an elitist. However it is quite a bitmore refreshing then adding friends and being a deletist on the sly.
1* Immediate blood relatives...I don't want any bad blood....Just don't make me regret it by geting to drunk and divulging all my childhood secrets with someone else I care about. You will be removed, and placed on temporary probation
2* Friends that I have spoken to in the last three months or have visited me by airplane in the last five years. You've proven your value, you are a friend, and I am greatful for ever. Keep it up shining star, maybe will take the private jet after the party and go gambling in vegas.
3* Anyone that I am currently romantically involved with, or could be in the future. Just don't get to clingy, give me some space, and I'll make you feel special I promise. If not, My true friends are more stable and good gents..You may meet your soulmate through me...I'm a giver.
4* Anyone that can speak 3 or more languages fluently...I'm sure we can find something interesting to talk about. Hell, I wouldn't be allowed in to my own club...shit. No wait, I speak Bull shit rather well. Were both in.
5* Artists...not ones that shave there balls, or take six hours to get ready before they interact socially...the real ones...the open eye, self destructing type that are close to cutting there ear off but can't afford the knife. Continually create and you will always occupy the space.
Main Lounge
1* If you are a distant relative, no matter how degenerate you get a courteousy pass....You have a right to be curious with what is going on in my life...If you figure it out...let me know.
2* If I slept with you, and i do mean intercourse, you pass. I may get lonely again someday, and there are liability issues involved. However, if you complained afterwards or weren't all that get the stiff arm delay and pushed to a different line for possible addmitance later. I may get very lonely someday.
3* If you give me an estalgic feeling, and I instantly want to respond to you through the wall..starting the post like this..."Do you remember the time...." Or "I want to spend time talking to you in a private room for an undisclosed amount of time....code belong. Just don't abuse yourpriveleges or expect to much...i am moody and distant at times.
4*A surprise intriguing, genuine and persistent. You may have delayed entrance but if you truly want in, you'll be granted access.
If your already in...I can't kick you out...I have Principles and a heart. Besides, it was my damn fault for not setting the standards up front...Maybe we have something to share afterall. I will say you have to continually bring something to the ongoing event, if things get crowded you may receive a boot to open up space for a VIP guest access whom is apparently fashionably late.
If your not, wait for the fan page that may or may not come. Besides, Life doesn't change us all much...sure we grow up and become less petty, but if we didn't have much to say then, or you had preconceived asssumptions of me that limited us were probably right, and I was wrong.....apologies waged. I assure you the following sums me up, so no need to be curious and risk the result that will inevitably occur....nothing...that will only devalue the word friendship further..
I lived, I loved, I've lost and Found,
I am nothing more than a soldier searching for his sword, the journey profund.
My life, yours...different but nothing new.
Ups, Downs, The now, collecting of time and things I search for to be true.
Paradise Sands, and characters placed upon scenes.
strength in the roots, resolving, evolving the ego to shine clean.
Happiness in the son, simplicity so intense its confused.
Just me being me, connected, but never in falsity with or without you.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
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Corey you absolutely crack me up!
ReplyDeleteKelly "Vandersee" Augustine